Some ways we may express spirituality
The list below does not follow any particular order and is not exhaustive but does include some of the ways that we develop spirituality in our school community. It is not used to assess the spirituality of individual children or adults, but instead to provide opportunities to build on the spiritual development that has gone before. The list is as follows:
- Be guided by individual beliefs and values and be willing to take a stand to defend them.
- Be self-aware and show empathy with the experience of others in the school and wider community.
- Believe in their own potential to achieve, showing inner strength and resilience when challenges arise.
- Use their imagination and be creative.
- Appreciate the beauty around them
- Be alive to experiences of awe and wonder.
- Be intrigued with the mystery of life.
- Be comfortable with stillness and prayer.
- Be prepared to say sorry, forgive themselves and forgive others.
- Be willing to take risks and grow from experiences of failure as well as success.
- Ask and explore 'Big Questions'
- Show thankfulness
- Show kindness and generosity.
- Respond positively when spontaneous opportunities for spirituality arises.